12 Experiments of 2019

I'll be completing 12 experiments over the course of 2019 with a theme of creativity. My goal is to test run 11 experiments with a creative focus to unearth one that can be a fun and ongoing creative outlet. 

If I'm doing a year of creative experiments why am I testing 11?

On NYE, I went to the local art store to purchase my drawing supplies for my January experiment and realized I was feeling a lot of anxiety about getting started. Mostly because I have some huge work projects and a certification test that has to be my top priority this month.

I'm still going with a creative theme, but I decided to be gentle with myself and start with a month of "clearing space", both mental and physical spaces, in order to have the capacity for the creative part of my brain to even work.

I'll be doing a daily meditation app, taking at least one 30 minute walk per day, organizing all of the junk drawers and cabinets in my house, and creating a nook for my creative endeavors for the remaining year.

I'll be posting my progress here and on Instagram each week. Looking forward to being on this journey with all of you!


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